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Attention Corporate Employees...
You Can Achieve Financial Freedom (Without Worrying About The Stock Market!)
Do you really want your dreams for a better quality of life....
Left to Chance?
Long hours away from your family and loved ones, the turbulent stock market's impact on your investments, and the endless stress of corporate life can make for some sleepless nights.

We all want the ability to look after family, health, and relationships, and have the peace of mind that comes with a secure financial foundation and the knowledge to use it effectively.

Putting all your financial plans in a 'someday' framework keeps you trapped on a never-ending treadmill. If you've put your finances in the casino of the market, locked up in tax-deferred accounts, how can you use money as a tool now to improve your life?
You're in the same leaky boat as everyone else...
As long as you're following what 'the masses' do, you'll be sharing the same tales of woe around the water cooler.
The biggest problem you face right now is your false beliefs about financial planning that defer your dreams into a future-based outcome based on hope.  Your financial advisor will tell you to invest for the long haul, as their firm will collect substantial fees to 'manage' your account. Along with taxes and inflation, this poses a 'triple threat' to your financial well-being.

The large financial institutions and banks benefit from your lack of knowledge. They're more than happy to take your hard-earned cash and lock it up for years, even decades, while giving you pathetic returns. The last thing they want is an educated investor.

What is happening to a lot of people is that during the time they need their cash the most, it's trapped inside a retirement account that's been decimated by the turbulence in the stock market. I found out the hard way that your life situation can change permanently in the blink of an eye. Operating under outdated ways of thinking brought me to the brink of financial ruin.
There's a little-known solution that you won't hear about from your financial advisor, or the talking heads on CNBC...
Not many people know about this solution, or even how to use it if they did. I was fortunate enough to incorporate it into my planning, and at first I didn't realize how powerful it was.

After ten years of trial and error, I'm able to leverage this system to 'fast-track' my plans for financial freedom..

I'd like to pass on what I've you don't have to spend the better part of a decade assembling the education, skills, and network to put yourself on the path to financial freedom!
How An 'Average Joe' Discovered The Secret That The '1%' Have Been Using For Generations
My financial worries are a thing of the past, as I continue to build out my financial future.
Like many people, I’d been told from a young age that I needed to go to school so that I could get a good job with a big company. I went to college, got my degree, worked a series of low-paying jobs and gradually gathered enough skills to land a position in consulting. At the time, I thought I’d found the way to professional and financial success. I’d left school not knowing anything about finance or investing; I was good at saving money, but that was about it. I directed as much as I could into my employer’s retirement plan, thinking I was doing the right thing. I worked hard, got promotions, raises and bonuses and thought my future was secure.

Then everything changed..

One day, I got a call. My dad was in the ICU in another state with a serious illness. Over the next few months, I tried to keep my consulting career going, but traveling back home to look after things and staying on the road proved too difficult to maintain.  I left the company and found a job back home. I had no ambition to climb the corporate ladder anymore; I just wanted to look after and support my family as much as possible. For a while, I was able to juggle my schedule to look after my parents' situation. But that didn't last long.

In a completely unexpected move, my new company started having me travel for a series of projects, which was very stressful as the reason I took the job was to get off the road.  The money was good, but what I really wanted was time, and it was a constant battle. Eventually things reached a breaking point between the relentless grind of the road and my goal of looking after family.

I REALLY wanted to be able to choose how I spent my time, so I could focus on my more important priorities in life.

The problem was that I was still operating with the false belief that a corporate job was the ticket to financial security.  More struggles were ahead:

My next employer, a startup, failed and closed its doors, despite our best efforts to keep it going.

The next position I landed after that sounded promising, but the company ran into serious financial difficulties due to mismanagement and went out of business.

This meant that I was going to lose my only source of income. I was headed for unemployment for the second time in three years and had little money. I felt even worse about the situation because doing what I was ‘supposed to’ wasn't working.

Then the other shoe dropped. The bottom fell out of some significant investments I had set up for my future at the recommendation of a financial advisor. Following the traditional path had failed miserably.

Chris Ronan
Hi, I’m Chris Ronan and I’m a technology guy who's seen it all. I've worked in every type of corporate setting, from startups and the smallest companies, to consulting and the Fortune 100. I've experienced layoffs, outsourcing, mergers, and shutdowns. Along the way, I learned some very hard lessons about money. But I found a path out of the destructive cycle of traditional financial thinking...

If You Could Create Your Own Path To Financial Freedom, What Would Life Be Like?
Determined to climb out of the hole I found myself in, I purchased a goal setting course. Over the years, I’d looked at a few personal development programs, but this was the first time I’d really committed to making a change. I was willing to let go of old habits and embrace new beliefs, even if that meant going against what I’d been told my entire life.

I started taking action. After cashing out a couple of mutual funds, I purchased my first rental property. Making a move like this would have at one time been inconceivable to me, as all I’d ever heard was that real estate was ‘risky.’  But when your back is against the wall, the idea of having a large rent check arrive in your bank account gives you peace of mind.

For the first time, I made money work for me outside of a 9-to-5 job and the market, and it felt pretty good.

I also learned that creating your own economy is a lot safer than corporate life and the traditional path of investing.

As a result of this epiphany, I started investing in whole life insurance, funding the premiums with the income from the rental property.

After I did that, I now had my money working for me inside a policy building a foundation, and creating an opportunity fund.

This provided me with the resources to further my education and to position me for the next steps in financial freedom.

That’s when I realized that the secret to creating your future is self-education. By thinking differently from everybody else and developing myself, I could achieve real results.

My plan now was to start looking for additional ways to increase my income.

I’d build a real estate portfolio and use every tool at my disposal to make progress.

So, I opened another whole life insurance policy. But I didn’t stop there.

Then I made my first bridge loan to a turnkey provider.

After that, I started focusing on buying additional rental properties.

The Secret That the “Elite” Have Been Using For Generations

Even though I had a lot of the financial pieces in place, I had no system to make them work together. I wasn't sure how much progress I’d make, or how long it would take, as my ability to scale this effort was nonexistent. I wasn’t sure what the next move should be.

I still had the diversification mindset, holding on to the idea that I should have money stashed away in a 401K or IRA. I still believed that financial products were a good investment vehicle and that I should have some of my investments allocated to those.

Motivated to find a way to ramp up my knowledge and execution, I decided I was going to further my education, skills and network any way I could.

This is when I found a strategy that pulled everything together.

A decade of personal development, sacrifice and relentless learning brought me to a level where I could create something incredible.

It’s called the “Game Plan."

This unique approach leveraged everything I had done before into an integrated, scalable, repeatable system.

I now have the ability to finance and acquire real estate, secure my financial future, and continue to learn and grow within the coursework and community.

As a result of all this I was able to achieve the following:

Within two years, I’ve acquired multiple properties, funded a life insurance vault, and became a private lender, making the same money work for me in multiple places.

After adopting this integrated process, I realized that the old ways of thinking I’d structured my finances around were misleading and detrimental to creating wealth. The only reason I’d held on to outdated beliefs about money, career, investing, and finance were because I’d been taught them both at home and in my formal education, and they’d been reinforced by friends, family, and the workplace.

Taking this principled approach, I was not only able to move my financial future out of the market, I’ve also been able to stop worrying about my finances, because I’m continually growing my financial foundation.

And in the end, all of this means I’m now able to enjoy a better quality of life, with the time to look after family and my health.

With the “Game Plan”, I can now utilize a repeatable, scalable system to create financial freedom for myself!

And that's why I'm so excited to share this with you so you can get these types of results too!

So, here's what I've got for you today...

If you're a Corporate Employee who really needs more control of their time, here's the solution you've been looking for...
I'm on track to becoming financially free, using a system that 'compresses time' and gets me 40 years of financial return in just 10 years (It's working!!)
Cashflow Tactics Academy
What If You Had The EXACT Formula And Strategy To Become Financially FREE In 10 Years Or Less - (Regardless Of Age, Income Or Experience)?
Cashflow Tactics Academy is a step-by-step system for growing your finances!
FULL ACCESS to CashFlow Tactics Academy - 8 training modules ($4,997 Value)
These 8 training modules give you the keys to tackle the RIGHT wealth-building strategies which helps you  “Compress Time”, and get 40 years of returns in just 10 years or less and RISE UP & LIVE FREE now..

Module 1: Our Mission - Our mission is not to improve a person’s finances, it’s to REVOLUTIONIZE them.

Module 2: Wealth Foundations - Before embarking on a mission of epic proportions, the right foundation must be laid. This section will serve as the foundation that everything is built on.

Module 3: The Financial Freedom Game Plan - Learn how to COLLAPSE TIME and achieve 40 years of financial results in 10 years or less.

Module 4: Produce - At the core of CashFlow Tactics is the mindset that each of us are the MOST VALUABLE ASSETS in our own lives.

Module 5: Protect - Find out how to build a system that focuses on PROTECTING finances.

Module 6: Profit - We focus on strategically growing your wealth using the VAULT and the Four Pillars.

Module 7: Prosper - Real Wealth is a combination of the abundance and prosperity you have in five meaningful areas we call the Five Currencies.

Module 8: Wealth Mythconceptions - Discover why 97% of traditional financial education is dangerous, misleading, or outright wrong.
1-On-1 Game Plan ($2997 Value)
This one-on-one coaching makes it a snap for you to build a personalized Game Plan so you're able to align your plan to your goals and personal circumstances and leave knowing exactly how to take massive ACTION and set clear outcomes and what success will look like, down to 90 day targets - to know exactly what you need to do to.
Empire Builder software ($2,499 Value)
This software holds the keys to evaluate real estate purchases which enables you to quickly identify suitable properties based on the principles taught in Cash Flow Tactics and make decisions based on sound principles and following a framework..

PLUS, When You Get CashFlow Tactics Academy
Today, You’re Also Going TO Get These THREE HUGE BONUSES!
Bonus #1: Personal Development Evolution ($Priceless)
An overview of the 3 stages of personal development
This overview walks you through the journey of personal development - how you can evolve your thinking to find a more productive path. Plus, a bonus article on expanding your capabilities.
Bonus #2: Personal development worksheet & tools ($Priceless)
Personal Development Evaluation
This provides you with methods to do a 'deep dive' on your personal development progress, including a video overview of the process.
Bonus #3: Fundamentals and Foundations ($Priceless)
Learn from the experts
This collection of lectures and interviews covers a range of topics, including real estate, insurance, economics, trends, taxes, and wealth trends.
The Academy teaches a different way of thinking and being with your money. We teach solid, proven financial principles that WORK in today’s economy. We help you set a step-by-step strategy for your financial FREEDOM. 
Give A 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
This helps people who are just on the edge of purchasing, to take the leap of faith since you put the risk back on you!
Isn't It Time You Got The Financial Freedom You Really Want?
Rise Up And Take Control!
CashFlow Tactics opened my eyes to a system that is actually designed to build real WEALTH.

What kind of wealth?

Well..I'm on track to becoming financially free in 10 years or less..

And I'm using a system that "compresses time" and gets me 40 years worth of financial return in just 10 years. (It's working!!)

It's time to rise up, take control of your own finances, and start racing toward the financially free life that you really want.

-Chris Ronan
Here’s A Recap Of
When You Get CashFlow Tactics Academy Today!
  • ​FULL ACCESS to CashFlow Tactics Academy - 8 training modules ($4997 value)
  • Customized 1-on-1 Game plan (Meet with us!) ($2997 Value)
  • ​Empire Builder Software ($2497 Value)
  • ​Huge Bonus #1 - Personal Development Evolution ($Priceless)
  • ​Huge Bonus #2 - Personal Development Worksheet and Tools ($Priceless)
  • ​Huge Bonus #3 - Fundamentals and Foundations ($Priceless)
Total Value: $10,491
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One Time Offer - Only $37: People always wonder: "What happens if I build a funnel, and it FLOPS?” Don’t worry (Most people's do the first time...)! At last year’s Funnel Hacking Live, I gave a special workshop called Funnel Audibles. It shows you a simple process to take ANY funnel that’s broken, and turn it from a ‘zero’ to a ‘HERO’! Click YES to get the training, plus the transcripts and companion workbook that will walk you through how to do a funnel audible on your own funnel now for just $37! (This offer is not available ANYWHERE else on the market!)

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